Our Human Resources Policy;

The human resources department implements contemporary human resources practices based on success in order to recruit qualified manpower in line with the goals and strategies of our company and to make use of this power in the most efficient way. Believing that corporate success can only be achieved with knowledgeable, experienced, motivated and professional employees, our company aims to maximize employee satisfaction by continuously investing in its personnel.

Our Human Resources Principles;

  • "Human is our most important resource"
  • "We are a family with our employees"
  • "We achieve quality with qualified employees - we believe that human quality must be improved first."
  • "We are productive, we are innovative"
  • "We aim to work with dynamic, creative, aggressive, hardworking people"
  • "We give our employees the opportunity to improve both themselves and their jobs."
  • "We adopt the method of promotion from within"
  • "We work with people who adopt the total quality philosophy, perceive the expectations of internal and external customers and meet these expectations fully and on time"
  • "We adopt continuous improvement both personally as well as for the company"
  • "We do not hesitate to invest in Human Resources"
  • "We aim continuous education and development"
  • "We benefit from experience"
  • "We offer suggestions, not complaints"
  • "We make constructive use of criticism"
  • "Problemlerden korkmayız, onları çözer ve ders almayı amaçlarız"
  • "We work with team spirit"
  • "Participatory management is our basic principle"
  • "We work professionally with an amateur spirit"

Recruitment Process

All recruitment processes at Bolt A.Ş., which will meet the requirements of the position in question in the most adequate way; Bolt A.Ş. It is intended to include in the family.

Bolt A.S. If you want to be a part of his family;

Open Positions

General Qualifications

Business Requirements

  • Substances


Job Description

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Business Requirements

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Job Description

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Application Form

You can make your applications by filling out the form below.